Packed and away I go. Aiming for only 2 changes including the clothes I'm wearing, it still feels like I'm taking a lot... the bag feels too heavy and there's not enough free space for potential purchases... not that I'm intending on buying much, hmm?
Check in is easy, immigration not a problem, security, on the other hand, was quite an adventure... if only there could be allocated lanes for those who don't know how to travel...
I see my cousin Adriana at the Dermalogica store and I have my face washed, prepped and hydrated for the flight ahead. Singapore Airlines upper deck. My first flight on an A380. Expectant after all the hype, I board quickly and efficiently and am greeted by charming cabin crew (maybe it's my Korean pop star haircut look). Take off,  service immediately after, it's a seamless experience and puts the old QF crew to shame (though I haven't been on one of their A380s, I have seen the totally 'blah' new Qantas uniforms - how sad to regress to BA of the 80s; could have tried harder with the colour blocking).Service personable and impeccable, what struck me most was not the comfort of the plane but the sobriety of the traveling passengers. This ain't no Qantas cattle run to the motherland in wife beaters and thongs and asking for 'any' red wine as long as it's red. It's an easy flight and Singapore arrives comfortably. 5 stars sure... the test will be the horror onward journey to Heathrow on a packed plane. Eek.
5/11/2013 05:22:32 pm

We think Singapore Air the best. So pleased the first leg was good 5*****. What a L O N G leg to Heathrow. Enjoy every minute of today.


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