Friday started with an amazing bright blue sky. This quickly turned to showers and freezing conditions, ruining umbrellas. A mega walk from the island, weaving across bridges from the left and right banks, up to the Opera and grands boulevards to la Samaritain (too overwhelming even for a seasoned shopper like myself), Printemps (more of the same, really), to fantastical Fauchon where I indulged in the finest, costly éclairs and salivated lustfully over everything else), through to the Champs Elysees (where many of the battered crowds were causing havoc) to l'Arc de Triomphe. The idea was to continue to la Tour but it was decided a brisk walk back to the island through the Tuileries and past the pet and flower shops was the more appropriate direction given the state of rain soaking and frozen hands.
Bath time.Dinner night 2 (Le Marais) . Fish (pickled or preserved I'm not quite sure), some crazy pork sausage and crème caramel €16.50. Passable, good value.

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