Sitting waiting for the train to Bath brings back so many memories. Many of my London stays revolve around fighting through the tube or running for the train to head out of London. It's far more familiar than Russell Square and fortunately without lift access to and from the platforms which cause pandemonium among the American and Eastern European students.

Yesterday's adventures around the city took me first to Spitalfields Market. Thursday antique day is always a laugh and feels like old friends catching up again. This was the place, after all, where I purchased my vintage Belgian gilt sunburst mirror and carried all the way home to Australia. The usual suspects were there and there were plenty of decorative pieces to tempt the eye, most notably David and his antique prints (I believe I have bought some from him online which we had a chuckle about) and a pair of silver candle sticks which I suggested a purchase price of £12 in stead of £18. Plus a stall bursting in sweet goodness from which I had to eat a muffin and slice of brownie and an Eccles cake (which is now my snack on the train).

A walk to the river via St Bertolphs, tk maxx (yes I know) and one of my favorite churches St Magnus the Martyr.

It was bright and sunny and the jacket came off and the sunnies went on... for 15-30 minutes. A treat nevertheless.
Borough Market was heaving, and why not. Very attractive suits having cheap lunches and eating foreign food - honestly. The market is superb and the produce is amazing - artisan cheeses, breads and pastries, farm fresh vegetables and meats and fish. Totally yummo.

Walking the South Bank dodging all the French and Italian school kids and tourists, I bypassed the Tate modern and took the Millennium Bridge to St Paul's but continued the walk through to the Embankment. Engineering marvel as it is, there is that building which I completely adore but don't actually know what it is. High Victoriana with ott Gothic decoration, it's a stunner among the riverside skyline.

Houses of Parliament, through to Oxford St - I dared enter Primark and proceeded to fight my way through the mountains of clothes - was that really the collapsed Bangladeshi factory churning out cheap stuff for the high street? Well I walked out with chinos and jeans so judge me how you like... it was a little embarrassing carrying a Primark bag down New and Old Bond streets.

An Indian meal in London (I suppose it would be expected) and a wander through Soho (eugh) drew the night to a close; the electricity still burning the night sky...

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