I don't know why it's taken me so long to visit Cambridge. Why had it always been the thought that Oxford was first preference of the two?
Despite the Arctic conditions (poor choice of day but we all know that's a gamble in England) Cambridge proved itself to be a beautiful city, it's rich tapestry of collegiate history and it's renowned musical tradition make it a remarkable place. Colleges are more free to look at than on Oxford and might I just say that the gardening efforts are out of this world. I am utterly lustful of Cambridge's prefectly manicured emerald green lawns and garden beds still blooming with tulips;  and especially Clare College's coup of obtaining the riverside garden plot from King's which is just unspeakably beautiful.

Many thanks to Greg for a wonderful tour through the Clare college.

And then it was back to London for a concert of Purcell in his own church. The choir produced such an amazing sound, the orchestra had a bit of an unravelling towards the end but it was magical being there listening to music that was born for that same place.

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